Our President, now available!



Our President by Jack M Silverstein, available now!

Jack M Silverstein and Keylog Books are proud to announce the release of Our President, on sale now! (See below for locations.)

With a foreword from ESPN’s Scoop Jackson, Our President is a non-fiction compilation that includes Obama-related selections of Silverstein’s award-winning column from 2006 to 2009; an interview with political activist Michael Swiryn (excerpted below); and narrative essays chronicling the author’s trip to Grant Park on election day and D.C. for the historic inauguration.

Proceeds going to feedingamerica.org. Don’t miss out on the debut release from this exciting, young talent!


Interview with an American activist

(Swiryn is detailing his experience protesting at George W. Bush’s first inauguration, January 20, 2001. All photos from carolmoore.net)

Everybody’s in the street, and this van pulls through the crowd. 15-passenger van, white, unmarked—the march is going this way, and the van crosses in front and pulls up on this corner. The doors open and fifteen riot cops pile out. These guys take off in a jog down this side street, so us being angry and stupid and young, we’re like “Let’s follow them!” 

We were probably a half block behind, running after fifteen riot police. Full gear—beating sticks, facemasks, armor, dressed in black, serious. They come up to these police barricades, the “You can’t come in here. This is the parade route” or whatever. The police move these barricades, run through, don’t put ‘em back, and go around the corner. You can tell there is the din of something going on around that corner. So we looked at each other and ran through the barricades. You turn the corner and BOOM! You’re on the scene.

This is the parade after the inauguration. We came out right by this statue of this dude on a horse. There’s limos going by. There’s a float or two. There’s people lined up along the street, pressed against the fences. Democrats and Republicans mixed together, but just regular folk. It was probably four or five people deep, all the way down the street. There were kids up on shoulders, waving American flags. There were people climbing up streetlights. That horse statue, there were people all over that thing. You could see up on top of the buildings there were snipers everywhere.

There are people yelling and screaming and hollering and having a good time. There are way more riot cops now. There’s the street, and then three rows of riot police, and then the fence, and then a bunch of people looking at the street. And then behind that there’s the statue, and behind that there’s us.

The three rows of riot cops went a while in either direction. There were probably 1000 police officers right there in that spot. We looked around for “why,” and it didn’t take long to realize: there were small groups of people gathered near the statue, in between us and the crowd, and they were all dressed in black, all in small groups, all hush-hush. This was “The Protesters!”

I didn’t know at the time, but they dress in black because it’s a tactic. It’s scary, but also it’s like an army. One of them can run out and steal the barricade, and when the police report it, they’re like “Uh…it was the guy in black.” They’re known as “black bloc” protesters. They gather in small groups because the FBI can’t infiltrate them as easily.

So the cops are there because these protesters are scaring the crap out of them. There were probably about 200, in maybe 25 groups of eight people, Doing Something.

Five minutes later we’re looking around going, “Where’d all the protesters go?” They’d gone 300 yards upstream, up Pennsylvania towards the White House, right by this Navy memorial. This is famous territory, right across from the National Archives. The Navy memorial has these two flagpoles, and there’s a main flagpole, and at the bottom there’s this eight-foot cement cylinder. The flagpole goes up, and on top is an American flag, and then strung out on diagonals are these Navy signal flags. It’s how they communicate on ships. We’re maybe forty feet from this flagpole, the center of things. And all the protesters have gathered into one big group now.

At this point, the energy totally picks up, because everybody knows these are “the anarchists.” The Republicans are jeering the Democrats, the Democrats are booing the anarchists, and the anarchists are going off on everybody. And everybody’s yelling. Everybody’s pissed off. Everybody’s excited.

Where’s Bush at this point?

In a limo on Pennsylvania…somewhere else. Who knows. I never knew. Bush played no role in my day. It was beyond that at this point. It was just anger and frustration and feeling totally helpless and having all this energy happen. It was the best thing ever.

All of a sudden these four kids get boosted onto the cement cylinder, above everybody’s heads, and they’re surrounded by this sea of black bloc protesters. And you’re thinking to yourself, “Holy shit! They’re gonna tear the flag down.” And sure enough, they start wheeling down one of the Navy flags, and all the flags come down, and they hoist up an Anarchy flag. In the middle of the inaugural parade of the U.S. President, someone has just hoisted an Anarchy flag over the Navy memorial outside the National Archives. The Constitution’s in there, ya know?

Everybody’s going crazy, and right at this moment me and Jess have another “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” moment. And we decide, because we’re idiots, that we could probably get one of those flags that got knocked down. So we start squeezing through the black bloc protesters.

It’s me, four people, and then the cement cylinder. And I’m looking around for a flag, and cheering, and everybody’s going crazy. I’m getting my rocks off here. This is good. Because I was pissed off! I really was.

At what?

I think at the fact that in 3rd grade somebody told me that our country worked a certain way, and I just found out they were lying. They said, “You have a democracy. You vote for a president.” And that was total bull. That’s not how it works. We voted, and it didn’t matter. They just snuck in behind the lines and stole the election.

But it works in most cases. If Gore had won 60-40, would they have been able to pull this off?

No. (pauses) But who knows? Maybe he did win 60-40 and they doctored 10% of the results. I don’t know. If somebody came to me in 50 years and said, “Did you know that in 2004, Kerry really did win in Ohio?” I’d be like, “I’m not surprised.” If I were a betting man I would not bet against that. So “who knows” on democracy. The jury’s out.

copyright 2010, jm silverstein




In the city…

Harold’s Chicken in Wicker Park, 1361 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Quimby’s Bookstore in Wicker Park, 1854 W. North Ave.

Santullo’s Eatery in Wicker Park, 1943 W. North Ave.

In the Burbs…

C.J. Arthur’s in Wilmette, 1168 Wilmette Ave.

Herms Palace in Skokie, 3406 Dempster Ave.

Elsewhere in this nation of ours…

Howard’s Bookstore in Bloomington, IN, 111 W. Kirkwood Ave.

9 Replies to “Our President, now available!”

  1. Jack M is a bad-ass writer that totally rocks [s/o Nikki Lynette] but for serious people are about to appreciate him on an entirely different level; get ready world!


    The American media needs to shut up! Bin Laden is DEAD! All this media talk about what the Pakistan knew or didn’t know! Doesn’t take away the fact that Ben Laden is DEAD. The one man responsible. For 3,000 plus dead on 9/11 4,400 and counting dead in Iraq. 1,200 and counting dead in Afghanistan! Total death because of this one man evil nearly 455,000! Now that under President Obama leadership! And direction and orders to make the capture and or murder of Bin Laden a priority! After he did what the pass President DID NOT do! The media is trying to play down the American arm forces and President Obama accomplishment. Just like they played down and demonize President Obama’s 750 billion stimulus package! A stimulus package that stop the financial downfall and gave many Americans a tax cut! When President Obama took office national unemployment was at 10.1%! After two years and a half in office 8.7%! The media down played that accomplishment by stating that black unemployment was still 16.5%! After 7 decade of Presidents tried and fail to get a healthcare plan pass! President Obama did it but the media and the Republican Party demonize his accomplishment! After 17 years of “don’t asked don’t tell”! President Obama overturn that bias ruling! After the BP oil spill the media tried to charge President Obama with acting too slow! Which was a straight up LIE! President Obama was there the day after and three different other times! President Obama then negotiate what was a 75 million BP recovery. President Obama turn it into a 20 billion dollar recovery! Never did the American media give President Obama credit! President Obama came into office with a 13 trillion dollar debt. Left by the Republican President. Two wars and a prescription plan not paid for! Yet the media and the Republican Party charge President Obama with run away spending! Sent in office President Obama’s administration spent 1.5 trillion dollar to stabilize the country! Under former President G.W. Bush 22 million American jobs where lost! Many went oversea! For GOD sake give President Obama credit for doing his JOB!!!!!

  3. NOW WHAT!!!!!!!!

    Now What? 4,400 and counting American dead in Iraq! Over 1,200 and counting dead in Afghanistan! All because the evil actions of one man! NOW What? President Obama was called stupid and weak ridiculed daily by Sean Hannity Bill O’Reilly and Fox News daily! Who in my opinion are American media terrorist! Now What? Even claims made that President Obama associated with terrorist! Now what? Is President Obama the President born in America doing the job of President? The most dangerous most hated terrorist! Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden ( Bin Laden) is DEAD!!! Under President Obama leadership under President Obama direction under President Obama’s order to make the capture and or murder of Bin Laden a priority! For ten plus years Bin Laden has disrespected with video tapes and other attempts of violent on American soil! So “Now What? From day one of President Obama administration. President Obama has worked under the threat of oversea terrorist Republican terrorist Tea Party terrorist! Hate and divide lying to America on behalf of the white control media. Have been the rule of the terrorist I mention! Now What? Is President Obama good enough NOW! Is he the President of all people? Does he have to show his birth Certificate again? Or all his grade while in school? What about his nursery school records? As I listen to the white control media report on the death of Bin Laden. The white control media is playing down the death of Bin Laden! Playing down the accomplishment of the men and women of American arm forces and President Obama! Shamefully this action will not stop Republican and Tea Party anti-American terrorist. Attacks on President Obama and America will continue! So I asked again NOW WHAT???


    Now that President Obama’s administration capture and killed Bin Laden. Now that under President Obama leadership and direction. Now that President Obama gave the capture and or murder of Bin Laden a priority! Now that President Obama accomplish what President G.W Bush could not and did not DO! The Republicans and the American media. Now wants to give Bush’s water boarding credit for contributing to the locating and killing of Bin Laden! WRONG WRONG WRONG! First there is no evident that waterboarding ever works! Torturing a human being may get you nothing more then LIES! Human being lie and or confess because they are in pain they are in fear and they are being torture! Remember the New York Central Park rape of a young white female? Six black young men where torture by police officers and confess. Years after spending over 4 to five years in prison. The one man that committed the crime confess! None of the five convicted had nothing to do with the rape NOTHING!!! Then what really outrage me. Claims where made that Bin Laden was unarmed and should have been given the opportunity to surrender. That to me further disrespects the many black unarmed American shot dead by mostly white police in America! Not one of these white pundit ever speaks to that fact about American citizen! You never heard after black unarmed Sean Bell was gun down in a hale of 51 bullets! That he was not given a chance to surrender! Nor 92 year old black Kathryn Johnston shot 39 time 6 bullets hitting there mark. So this hypocritical claim that Bin Laden that is responsible for over 455,000 and counting deaths! IS sickening! Also any idiot that claim the Bush administration waterboard…Got information THEN did nothing with the information ….IS STUPID! Or the idiots stating that Bush’s waterboarding in 2001….Help President Obama capture and killing Bin Laden in 2011! Remember G.W Bush stated to America that Bin Laden WAS NOT a priority! So these idiot are saying that Bush got the information needed to capture and or kill Bin Laden. And did nothing! Then Bush should be arrest and imprison for LIFE! President Obama didn’t water board anybody! He did it without! Waterboarding had nothing to do with the capture of Bin Laden…Matter of fact it was reported that a phone call from Bin Laden closet friend! Was track and led to the capture! So to you idiot that are only trying to take away from President Obama…..SHUT UP!


    I post allot of comments on many internet websites. Many times I refer to America’s media as “white control media“! The killing of Bin Laden is one of the reason WHY! First the white control media have collectively decide to question whether Bin Laden is really dead! Question have been raise whether Bin Laden was given the opportunity to surrender! Never ever have I in my 52 years of life EVER. Heard the white control media asked whether. The many black unarmed black America ever was given the opportunity to surrender! NEVER where any of the many white police officers that murder in cold unarmed black adult and black children! Seven year old black Aiyana Jones was asleep when a white Detroit cop. Threw a flash bomb that burn a third of her body! Then burst into the home and shot Aiyana DEAD! There was never any question to authority by the white control media. Whether Aiyana was given the opportunity to surrender! Then it’s the murder of black Amadou Diallo! Who was wrongly identify chase and murder in a hale of 41 bullets! By four plain clothes NYPD officers who also mistaken a wallet for a gun. Mr. Diallo was never given the opportunity to surrender! Nor did the white control media ever asked sis he! The white control are more concern with Bin Laden Civil Rights! then Civil Right violation in America against Americans! The United Nation also recognize the shooting of unarmed citizen as War Crimes! So where were they when 74 Americans in WACO Texas. Where gun down and burn by America Federal Law Enforcement? The white control media never question why those people had to die. Many unarmed and children as young as a week old! The white control media never asked where they given the opportunity to surrender!


    The truth former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is down having to defend the worse President in American history! She has to also defend her stupid statement of the pass!
    The truth is former President G. W. Bush administration operated under revenge and hatred of Muslim! Hatred and dividing the country was the Bush theme! President Obama administration operated under intelligent and justice for America. Especially the victims of 9/11! President Obama theme is unity and America first! Republican so don’t want to give President Obama credit for capturing and killing Bin Laden. Without sharing that credit with former President G.W. Bush! Bush supporters want the American citizen and the world to believe that because of waterboarding in 2001 ! Bush got information that would have led to the capture and killing of Bin Laden in 2011! Bush administration then did NOTHING! He also didn’t have belief in the military ability that President Obama did! Bush also didn’t have the intelligent to organize a attack or strategic. To bring about the accomplishment President Obama did! Instead Bush started a unnecessary war in Iraq. Only adding to the accomplishment of Bin Laden on 9/11! 3,000 plus dead on 9/11 by Bin Laden. Bush added to Bin Laden numbers 4,400 dead American in Iraq! Bush delayed the necessary war in Afghanistan! A war under Bush with no plan or direction! The truth at best former President G.W. Bush! Was incompetent and the worse President in American history! The truth is that waterboarding did not contribute to the 2011 capture and killing of Bin Laden! The truth is 13 trillion dollar debt under Bush. Did nothing to secure the country militarily or financially. Today other country have refuse G.W. Bush entry into their country. They see him as a war criminal! The truth is President G.W. Bush and many in his administration should be in prison! THAT IS THE TRUTH!!!!

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